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The term 4 school calendar is always full of exciting events and experiences to enrich the whole school experience for our learners, these include class excursions, our athletics carnival, the school show, swimming programs and much more. This makes for a busy but exciting time to be part of our amazing school so please keep a close eye on our calendar and encourage your child to attend every day and fully engage in their educational opportunities.
Class Allocations
Staff will soon begin the process of creating class groups for 2024. A number of considerations are taken into account to create classes and a number of hours are dedicated to ensuring classes are equitable. Parents are invited to discuss any educational concerns or important information they may have for their child with the senior teacher in charge of their child’s current area of the school. Whilst all requests will be considered there is no guarantee that it will be possible to grant them. Please make appointments to discuss with staff by Friday 17 November.
Kinder – Year 6 |
Ms Bell |
Year 7 – 9 |
Mr Bakes |
Railton Campus |
Mrs May |
Professional Learning Day Tomorrow
A reminder that tomorrow Friday 3 November is a Professional Learning Day (students do not attend). The main focus of the day will be to review the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Survey and progress against our School Improvement Plan to assist with planning for 2024.
Jamie Skirving
Acting Principal
November |
1 (Wednesday) | Yr 11/12 End of Year Excursion | Launceston |
3 (Friday) | Professional Learning | Student Free |
6 (Monday) | Recreation Day | Public Holiday |
8 (Wednesday) | Athletics Carnival | Whole School |
10 (Friday) | Sheffield Show | 9am |
10 (Friday) | Reader's Cup | |
14 (Tuesday) | AMC Presentation | 9-9.45 am (Yr 9/10) |
14 (Tuesday) | Resume Writing Workshop | 11-12.40pm (Yr 9) |
17 (Friday) | Scottsdale Show | Cattle Handlers |
20 (Monday - 30 (Thursday) |
Swimming Program | Yr 3-5 |
24 (Friday) | Deloraine Show | Cattle Handlers |
30 (Thursday) | VET Ag Taster Day | |
December |
1 (Friday) | Devonport Show Day | Public Holiday |
1 (Friday) | Circular Head Show | Cattle Handlers |
8 (Friday) | Orientation Day | Yr 6 |
8 (Friday) | Don College Start Day | Yr 10 |
12 (Tuesday) | Presentation Day | 11.15am |
14 (Thursday) | Picnic (Splash) | Yrs 1-6 |
14 (Thursday) | Celebration Dinner | Yr 10 |
15 (Friday) | Cattle Handlers/Hook & Hoof Presentation BBQ | |
19 (Tuesday) | Picnic (Freers beach) | Yrs 7-10 |
19 (Tuesday) | Celebration Assembly | 9.30am (Yrs K-6) |
21 (Thursday) | End of Year Assembly | 11.30am (Yrs 7-10) |
21 (Thursay) | Student's 2023 Last Day | |
22 (Friday) | Staff 2023 Last Day |
Student achievements
Congratulations to Charlton for his recent success in the National Cattle Handling Final. After winning the state final at Stanley in December 2022, Charlton finally had the opportunity to represent Tasmania in the national final held in Launceston recently. Charlton placed second behind Victoria's representative which is a great result considering he is 16 years of age competing against competitors up to 25 years.
Athletics Carnival 2023
The 2023 Sheffield School Athletics Carnival will be conducted on Wednesday 8 November.
The carnival will be held across two locations:
- Secondary students will be competing at Sheffield Recreation ground,
- Primary carnival will be conducted on the southern oval at the school.
Students will be able to order lunch for the day and the normal school day menu will be available.
Orders can be made shortly through your child’s class. Parents who may be attending can also order either on a lunch order bag, or on QKR. Cold drinks, coffee and tea is available at recess and lunch times from the canteen.
Parents are warmly invited to view the competitions across the two locations and encourage the students in their endeavours.
We urge all parents and friends to follow the safety protocols that will be in use, especially around field and throwing events.
If you have any queries or questions please see the Health and Physical Education (HPE) team.
Car Rally
Mark (School Groundsman) took part in a car rally to raise money for Cancer Council.
They could only drive cars that cost $2000 or less.
Day 1 - Monday 16 October
Started in Port Douglas on Saturday to Einasleigh, population 12 then yesterday to Winton. Heading off today (Monday 16 Oct) to Windorah
Day 2 - Tuesday 17 October
Windorah to Birdsville
Dolly (Parton) day begins. Mark’s son Andrew is Kenny Rogers
Concert Band
We are coming to the final few weeks of our first year of Concert Band here at Sheffield School! We are so proud and excited about the progress that’s been made by the students in the band, and we are looking forward to performing for you all at the end of the year. In preparation for this performance, we ask that all band members make a super special effort to get to every rehearsal!
Thanks again for all your support!
Miss Elliott / Miss Lee
Sheffield School Show
Sheffield School will be holding the JUNIOR CATTLE HANDLERS SHOW OF TASMANIA on Friday 10 November at the School Farm 1A High Street. Events start at 9am with our ‘Hoof & Hook’ Competition, followed by Beef Cattle Handling and Junior Judging. Some of the best young cattle handlers and junior judges from around the state will be competing, along with top quality cattle in both dairy and beef events. The purpose of our show is to promote the agricultural industry in our community and to make connections with people who are passionate about agriculture in our region. Parents and guests welcome.
Click below for our Canteen Menu
Please note: Items cannot be returned to the canteen for health reasons. If you cancel a purchase on QKR (prior to lunch time), you will have a credit in the app that you can apply to your next purchase.
QKR lunch orders need to be placed by 10 am. Orders after 12 noon need to be via the school canteen (Ph: 6491 8222) |
Books can be collected from the Sheffield Campus school gymnasium on the following:
Day |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
Wednesday | 24 January 2024 | 10 am | 5 pm |
Thursday | 25 January 2024 | 8 am | 2 pm |
Uniforms can be purchased on these dates/times - a uniform price list will be included in our next newsletter (week 6).
We will not be taking any levy payments on the book collection days. Levies will be invoiced at the end of February 2024 and posted out.
Click the link below for Student Assistance Guidelines. Applications for 2024 assistance will open in mid November 2023. Families who were approved for STAS in 2023 will receive written advice (from the Department for Education, Children and Young People) in November advising of their approval or otherwise for STAS in 2024.
Student Assistance and Other Financial_Assistance_Guidelines
How to pay levies
There are a number of ways that you can pay your child's school levies: At either school office (Cash, EFTPOS, Cheque), via BPAY, or QKR (online app on your smart phone/device).
If you would like a formal payment plan, please contact the school on 6491 8222.
The swimming pool hire season has had to be amended due to a pump replacement. The season will now commence one week later, on Monday 13 November, and will now end on:
- Sunday 31 March (20 week season), or
- Sunday 21 April (23 week season).
The school holiday season will remain Monday 25 December to Friday 2 February 2024 (6 weeks).